Author: Ana-Maria Bamberger



He is a famous british stage actor and "Lear" would be his part on stage back home, in London - in New York it is his reality, living with his married daughter, working as a taxi driver. A few days before Christmas, he meets a fellow from home; a surprising dialogue starts between the two unequal partners, leading to an unexpected turn.

Synopsis (français): En France il était un acteur célèbre et le Roi Lear pourrait être son prochain rôle sur scène - à New York c’est sa réalité quotidienne : il habite chez sa fille mariée avec un "vrai américain" et travaille comme chauffeur de taxi. plus

Synopsis (deutsch): Ein großer rumänischer Schauspieler arbeitet in Deutschland als Taxifahrer und lebt bei seiner...mehr

Synopsis (rom): "Taxi Blues" aduce pe scena povestea regelui Lear intr-un context cu totul inedit; un mare actor roman este exilat in Germania...mai mult

Duration: 1h10

Cast: 2 actors (2M)



2017 Paris, Théâtre de Nesle (staged reading in english, co-production with Dear Conjunction, Paris)

2017 Romania, European Museums Night Bucharest

2017 Germany, Nürnberg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Augsburg (Tour) 

2016 Romania, National Tour

2015 Bucharest, National Theatre

2014 Brussels, Belgium, Palais des Beaux-Arts (Tour) 

2014 Canada, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener (Tour Alma Creations Toronto)

2014 Bucharest CREART Theatre

2013 Bucharest, Mignon Theatre

2013 Germany, Munich, Nürnberg, Frankfurt (Tour)

2012 Germany, Frankfurt - International Theatre (Tour)

2012 Germany Suttgart (Tour)

2012 Tour Austria, Vienna, Pygmalion Theatre (Tour)

2012 Romania National Tours

2012 Bucharest Nottara Theatre

2012 Romania Buzau G. Ciprian Theatre

2012 National Comedy Festival Galatzi Romania, Awards: Best Production, Best Actor,

2011 International Festival Davila InterFest Studiotheatre, Awards: Best Production, Best Director

2011 Romania Buzau G. Ciprian Theatre

2011 Bucharest Nottara Theatre (Official Premiere)



"Extraordinary" - Gazeta Buzoiana

"An evening of grace" -Taifasuri-Theatre

"Combines comedy and drama... superbly interpreted" -



Invitation to the National Comedy Festival Galati, Romania - Best Show Award and 2 Best Actor Awards for both actors

Invitation to the International Festival for Studio Theatre InterFest, Pitesti, Romania - Best Actor Award and Best Director Award

2010 Drama Award Theatre Giurgiu, Romania 

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