The Portrait of Donna T. / Le Portrait de Madame T. / Das Portrait der Donna T./ Portretul Doamnei T.
Author: Ana-Maria Bamberger
Asked by a mysterious admirer to make a portrait of famous older actress Donna T., David is reluctantly allowed to take a seat next to her and the dialogue to begin. Moments of her life and of his, both sad and funny, moments of remembrance, of loss, of understanding and tenderness arise to reveal two existences intersecting each other in the same orbit.
Synopsis (français): Approché par un mystérieux admirateur pour faire le portrait de la célèbre actrice Madame T, le peintre Marius David parvient, après maintes réticences de celle-ci, à la convaincre d’accepter - et un dialogue surprenant s’initie.
Synopsis (deutsch): Donna T. probt für sich allein eine Rolle, bei sich zu Hause, umgeben von zahlreichen Insignien einer glänzenden Karriere als der Maler Marius David im Auftrag eines unbekannten Bewunderers vor ihrer Tür steht um ihr Portrait zu malen.
Duration: 1h10
Cast: 2 actors (1F, 1M)
2022 Paris, Théâtre Le Guichet Montparnasse
2012 Bucarest, Teatrul Mic & National Tours
2011 Prague, ABC Theater
2010 National Tours Romania (Teatrul Mic Bucharest)
2009 National Tours Romania (Teatrul Mic Bucharest)
2009 Bucharest, Teatrul Mic (Little Theatre)
2008 Germany, EuroCentral Theater Bonn
2007 Bucharest, Nationaltheatre Radio, UNITER AWARD, Best Radio Production
2007 Tel Aviv, Israel (Staged Reading, Tour)
2005 Bucharest, Literature Museum/Theatrum Mundi
"Not to be missed" - Bonner Rundschau
"Full of tension" - Bonner Generalanzeiger
"Burst of applause" - Evenimentul Zilei
"Applause like a hurricane" - Jurnalul National
"Wonders still happen in Theatre" - Ultima Ora, Tel Aviv
"A play of a quality rarely to be seen" - Cotidianul
Represented in Germany by: Felix Bloch Erben/Desch Theaterverlag