Parler avec toi / Talking to you / Sa vorbesc cu tine / Mit dir sprechen 


Author: Ana-Maria Bamberger


La pièce :

"L’art de s’aimer sans se comprendre est un art à la portée de l’humanité tout entière ! En conséquence, la comédie d’Ana-Maria Bamberger, auteure roumaine d’expression française, met dans le mille. Cette apparente facétie va plus loin que la valse habituelle des je ne veux plus t’aimer s’achevant par des je t’aime infiniment au dernier tour de piste. Il y a là le véritable portrait d’un homme doué pour l’échec de l’amour. 

Le texte d’Ana-Maria Bamberger, très intelligent, navigue entre plusieurs genres : la comédie classique (avec la représentation d’un type : le jaloux, l’être humain rendu impuissant par sa double postulation), la comédie de situation avec des personnages de jeunes bobos et une écriture plus secrète, aux tonalités psychanalytiques" Gilles Costaz, WebThéâtre


The play:

(Almost) a love story. Meet Patrick and Nina. Patrick can't believe his luck. He falls in love with Nina. And Nina falls in love with him, too. She only has to leave Philippe and they can be together. What could possibly go wrong?



O poveste despre lucrurile pe care nu ni le spunem cu adevărat, despre neîncrederea în noi și în ceilalți, care adesea crează prăpăstii și ne împiedică să fim fericiți. 


75 min

1 F, 1 M, 1 set (var.)



2021 Bucharest, International Festival Undercloud

2021 Bucharest, Teatrelli LIVE/Streamerse - live streaming

2020 Bucharest, Teatrelli, Live Performance

2020 Bucharest, Teatrelli, filmed stage production/online streaming

2020 Paris, Pavé d'Orsay

2018 Paris, Théâtre Le Guichet Montparnasse 

2017 Bucharest, National Theatre Radio



"The text by Ana-Maria Bamberger, very intelligent, navigates between several genres: the classic comedy, the comedy of situation and a more secretive writing, with psychoanalytic tones.

This show is a real surprise and a real joy!"

Gilles Costaz, WebThéâtre, Paris


"A truly thrilling show fueled by the talent of two brilliant actors: Codrina Pricopoaia et Geoffroy Vernin.

This love paroxysm of psychologies in crisis teaches a lesson about how to heal passion in the most healthy and useful way.

This is a comedy and a drama at the same time displaying a truly experimental character. There are a lot of people who should see this to clarify in one evening what they may not have solved in many years of psychoanalysis."

Yves-Alexandre Julien, La Théâtrothèque, Paris

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